GrowthCurveME - Mixed-Effects Modeling for Growth Data
Simple and user-friendly wrappers to the 'saemix' package
for performing linear and non-linear mixed-effects regression
modeling for growth data to account for clustering or
longitudinal analysis via repeated measurements. The package
allows users to fit a variety of growth models, including
linear, exponential, logistic, and 'Gompertz' functions. For
non-linear models, starting values are automatically calculated
using initial least-squares estimates. The package includes
functions for summarizing models, visualizing data and results,
calculating doubling time and other key statistics, and
generating model diagnostic plots and residual summary
statistics. It also provides functions for generating
publication-ready summary tables for reports. Additionally,
users can fit linear and non-linear least-squares regression
models if clustering is not applicable. The mixed-effects
modeling methods in this package are based on Comets, Lavenu,
and Lavielle (2017) <doi:10.18637/jss.v080.i03> as implemented
in the 'saemix' package. Please contact us at
[email protected] with any questions.